Tuesday, 24 April 2012

USA Plans

We leave soon! As you know, sixish weeks... I think five and a half to be exact. We have planned out pretty much all of our USA trip as it's only for three and a half weeks.
Plan is...
1. First stop, SAN FRANCISCO for seven days! Can not wait!
2. Second stop L.A. Hostel to Hostel bus transfer, $40 door to door... bargain. We'll be there for three nights. We are catching a greyhound bus to our next stop... costing about $35 each. Pretty cheap. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of nervous about catching the bus.
3. Thirdly, SAN DIEGO! We're staying in a hostel in the gaslamp district. Looking forward to hitting up some beaches and sunshine. We're catching another bus... oh gawd.. This one is for eleven hours. I plan to hit up my kindle and ipod for eleven hours straight... maybe a temazepam haha.
4. Next stop is LAS VEGAS baby. We're there for three nights. We booked a suite here, looking forward to a little bit of luxury.
5. Last but not least. We are NOT catching a bus (thankgod), we are catching a plane to NYC. We are there for five full days. Hoping to hit up all the regular tourist places like Times Square, Central Park and walk over the Brooklyn Bridge into Brooklyn for Grimalde's Pizza.. it's the best!

I can barely contain my excitement! It's ridiculous.

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