Friday 27 April 2012

My boyfriend and I last Australia Day.
Thanks to Hayley for the pic!
37 days to go... and who's counting? The boyfriend told me he watched a show last night on climate change, and because we are travelling by train we are reducing our carbon footprint to 4... or by 4 or something. Then he told me I should put that on my blog, bless.

There is so much to pay for! We still need to purchase our Eurail passes and travel insurance. What's more my phone bill, car registration, nursing registration and a car service are all due! It's going to take a huge lump out of my savings! $2,325 to be exact... I originally had an appointment at the hairdresser (for a treatment and a tone) which I had to cancel! Now my blonde will have to have a tinge of gold... cringe.

My fitness challenge is still underway... I haven't given up. My mum and I go to the gym together a bit and she is amazing! She has lost 10kg in eight weeks by personal training and a metabolic diet, she's also lost 6cm around her waist! I am so happy that all of her hard work is paying off. Anyway... I like to think I'm pretty fit... but she absolutely killed me on the bike. We peddled hard on a mid level for 3kms, followed by a k of rest, we then bumped up the level and did another 2km, then a 1km rest, then bumped up the level and did our last km as fast as we could. Death by bike. It was hell. I was literally panting.
It's off to the city to the weekend with my boyfriend, his brother and his gf, my friend Holly. Will keep you posted.

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