Thursday, 7 June 2012

Adventures of late.

Hello Hello!
Today has been a very busy day! I feel like I have been in San Francisco for AGES! This morning we woke up around 8am and went down the street to buy some breakfast. I got some fruit salad from the supermarket and a skinny vanilla late from starbucks! 

I think the people in starbucks TRY to get your name wrong.

We then went and did a walking tour of San Francisco's chinatown! I have done it before when I was here five years ago with mum. You just print it off the internet! (click here to see the one we did) I confess, we skipped all the museums at the end. 

Entrance to Chinatown

The fortune cookie ladies. You can get pre-made ones or you can take in your own messages to get personalised cookies! 
Following directions like tourists do.

VERY steep hills!
After the walking tour we went and did some shopping. This was like sending an alcoholic to a bar. Horrible. I wanted to shop so bad. I did buy some Vans, because my feet are ridiculously small I scored them for $30 in kids size. 
We went back to our room at around 2pm and decided we didn't want to waste such a lovely afternoon. So us psycho's took on MANY MANY steep hills of San Fran. We found some lovely lookout points, Poets Corner in Nob Hill was lovely! We got views of the whole city and bay area. There was no tourists around here so we had everything to ourselves. We then went searching for Lombard Street, which is the crookedest street in the world... this on the other hand was super busy with tourists. 

dinner tonight, fish tacos from the food court. one grilled one fried. 

Goodnight again xxxxxxxxx

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